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Infrastructure and National Development: an approach on the logistical obstacles faced by the Brazilian agrobusiness - New York University (NYU) (Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos)

Infrastructure and National Development: an approach on the logistical obstacles faced by the Brazilian agrobusiness - New York University (NYU) (Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos)

02/07/2015 | « voltar

A New York University (NYU), uma das cinco melhores universidades do mundo em Direito Público, sediará nos dias 01 a 03 de Julho de 2015 o evento ICON-S (International Public Law Society) Conference 2015

O artigo "Infrastructure and National Development: an approach on the logistical obstacles faced by the Brazilian agrobusiness" de autoria do Prof. Dr. Daniel Wunder Hachem e do mestrando Vitor Borghi será apresentado na manhã do dia 02 de Julho no painel intitulado: "The Uncertainties of Land and Environmental Regulation". A tarde, no painel "Human Rights on the Bench", será apresentado o artigo "The Impacts of the American Convention on Human Rights in the Administrative Proceedings: Fields of Incidence and Juridical Consequences of the Right to a Fair Trial" de autoria do Prof. Daniel e do mestrando Eloi Pethechust, e contará com a presença de professores dos EUA, Chile, Holanda, Taiwan, Romênia, República Tcheca, Israel e Dinamarca.

No mesmo dia serão apresentados os artigos dos professores Alexandre Godoy Dotta, Emerson Gabardo e Eneida Desiree Salgado.

​As palestras serão transmitidas online e ao vivo pelo site http://www.law.nyu.edu/livestream.

Fotos do Evento

Conferencistas do ICON-S Conference 2015.
Conferencistas do ICON-S Conference 2015.
Professores Daniel Wunder Hachem, Eneida Desirre Salgado, Sabino Cassese (juiz emérito da Corte Constitucional da Itália) e Emerson Gabardo.
Apresentação do artigo  "The Impacts of the American Convention on Human Rights in the Administrative Proceedings: Fields of Incidence and Juridical Consequences of the Right to a  Fair Trail" com Eloi Pethechust.
Professor Daniel Wunder Hachem e Eloi Pethechust.
Apresentação do artigo "Infrastructure and National Development: an approach on the logistical obstacles faced by the Brazilian agrobusiness" com Vitor Borghi.
Apresentação do painel "The Uncertainties of Land and Environment Regulation" com Vitor Borghi.